
Illuminati numerology calculator
Illuminati numerology calculator

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Strong’s also notes that charagma is directly related to the Greek word charax, which means “to sharpen to a point” and “a stake”. Strong’s Concordance defines charagma as “a scratch or etching”, “a badge of servitude”, “graven”, and finally “mark”. The Greek word for the word mark as used in Revelation 13:16-18 is the Greek word: Charagma. If someone says you must accept a tattoo or bio implant to be placed in your right hand or forehead in order to buy or sell, then always reject it. Brothers and sisters this future mark will be literal as well as spiritual. Do not believe these erred Christians who teach this, it will cost you everything someday if you do. These erred Christians believe that the mark of the beast is only a spiritual mark that is not literally manifested or applied. There are many Christians currently teaching that the future buying and selling mark of the Antichrist is not a literal mark.

illuminati numerology calculator

The buying and selling mark of the Antichrist will be literal. He, who has understanding, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man.

#Illuminati numerology calculator free#

The calculation is in the English, not the Koine Greek or Hebrew as most erred prophecy teachers teach.ġ3:16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and the slave, to be marked on their right hand, or on their forehead 17 so that no one would be able to buy or to sell, unless they have the mark, which is, the name of the beast or the number of his name. Here is the prophecy in Revelation 13 about calculating the name and number of 666. For those that believe they will not be here for the rise of the Antichrist, then this information will help you teach others that may be left behind to see these events. The information below is for these people as well as new Christians that may have little or no end time prophecy training. Many people that visit this website are not Christian and have never read a Bible.

illuminati numerology calculator

Important Bible prophecy information follows next, please read it carefully, it could save you much confusion and error caused by false Christians or false prophecy taught by erred Christians. The 444, 888, 906 patterns as well as the Shroud of Turin patterns and match findings are located at the bottom of this page.

#Illuminati numerology calculator 480p#

Will give you the total in the second box.Īfter starting this video set your quality settings to 480p for clear viewing The top box then press the CALCULATE TOTAL button. Enter the word you would like to calculate for in

Illuminati numerology calculator